Monday, September 1, 2008

Abortion is About God


Margaret Braun said...

You were baptized two weeks ago? Congratulations! That exciting!

Caleb Nathaniel said...

When I tried to watch the video it said it was no longer available :(. Do you know where else you can watch this video?

-Caleb Nathaniel <><

DTH Rocket said...

John Piper is so great! I'm very privileged to have him as my pastor. And he's so right. Abortion is about God. Thanks for posting this CJ.

Caleb Nathaniel said...

That's weird. The video just started working.

That video is really good. The part when he talked about how we don't mess with what God is knitting together reminded me of what my younger brother once said. My family was talking about abortion and he said that having a baby was like receiving a gift from God and when you abort it, it's like throwing that gift back at God because you don't want it. A part I really liked was what he said about how he would err on the side of not killing a person.

Thank you for posting this video.

cj said...

DTH Rocket, he's your pastor? Cool!

Caleb, yeah, I fixed it:)

I like what your brother had to say about abortion.

Kyleian said...

I like his point about God giving it, so it's not our right to take it away.