About two thousand and nine years ago a King was born in a place where dirt and the smell of animals was abundant. In the cold of winter with no way of keeping warm except a small blanket, he came into this world. This King is not King of just a country or even the entire world, this is a King who rules over everything, what we can see and what we cannot see, physical and spiritual. You know of whom I am talking about, it is Jesus.
But why a stable? Why would the God of such glory that we cannot even imagine, choose to enter this world through such a lowly place? Why not a palace? Or even just a normal house? God is not a God of earthly wealth or of earthly palaces. He is not interested in these things, he is interested in the only thing that is of real worth, himself. God did not choose to be born in an earthly palace because to him they are of no more worth to him than the stable. He is worth far more than any palace, therefore he chose not to show his greatness through wealth or huge palaces, he chose to show his greatness and worth by himself, for everything else fades away compared to him.
There are two reasons a king gathers riches for himself. One, for pleasure, two, to show his power and his greatness. God did not come to this world to enjoy it's pleasures, and does not need it's wealth to show his power, he is great in himself.
Merry CHRISTmas!
I was thinking about having your birthday on CHRISTmas and how I would hate it! You see... everything about your birthday would be overlooked, and thinking about like... when are we going to open our CHRISTmas presents? Do you know what I mean???
Same way with Jesus! Alot of times he gets overlooked on CHRISTmas, because people just like, sledding, opening presents, and much more. But alot of times we can overlook the true meaning of CHRISTmas!
Just a thought!
Great post!
Merry CHRISTmas,
God Bless
Yeah, good point.
I think it is amazing how he uses the lowly things to show his greatness. The people to see the angels tell of Christ's coming were shepherds. Shepherds that were considered so low in the social circle of Israel that in a court of law their testimony was considered unreliable. It reminds me that mans' wisdom is folly to God.
And there is that verse in Psalms:
"Out of the mouth of babes and infants, you have established strength because of your foes..."
~Psalm 8:2
God is so big and powerful he can defeat his enemies with little babies born in a barn!
Been blogging lately? I kind of miss your posts.
God lowered himself to the likeness of us. And saved us. How amazing... thanks for this post, brother!
Cj? You There?
I agree, when are you going to post again?
Missing the posting. Bring 'em on.
Hey CJ. Did you stop blogging? Or are you taking a long hiatus? I miss your blog.
Did you die!?
Miss the postin' man!
What happened to you? Did your computer die? Did you forget about your blog? You had a knack for blogging. Will you ever return?
Are you going to post again?
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