Saturday, June 7, 2008

"Jesus Freaks" by dc Talk and the Voice of the Martyrs

It is said that there are more Christian Martyrs today than in any other time period. This book is a collection of amazing stories of people who risked their comfort, their family, their friends and even their lives for the Gospel and Jesus Christ. It tells only a few of their stories that must be told. It is a must read, I highly recommend it.


Kade said...

I recommend it too.

Anonymous said...

Before I had ever heard of this book, someone called me a "Jesus freak" and I didn't know what they meant. Now I think it was kind of a compliment! :)


Kade said...

I love those books. I requested them for my birthday and bought them off of CBS (Christian Book Store).


Margaret Braun said...

I recommend it as well. The only question is are you willing to suffer for the cause of Christ?