Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer Reading List

Here are some of the books I'll be reading this summer,

"Freakonomics" by Steven Levitt

"Words that Work" by Frank Luntz

"Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis

"Knowing God" by J.I. Packer

"Let the Nations be Glad" by John Piper

"The World is Flat" by Thomas L. Friedman

"Team of Rivals" by Doris Kearns Goodwinn

"What Jesus Demands from the World" by John Piper

"The Fabric of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene

"All of Grace" by C.H. Spurgeon

Does anyone else recommend any more?


Margaret Braun said...

I would say Do Hard Things, but I suppose that one's been read. I also liked Real Christianity by William Wilberforce.

Penn Tomassetti said...

I'm glad you are reading "All of Grace" by Spurgeon! Where did you get your copy of the book? Chapel Library at prints that book at around $3 each, and it also comes with a study guide. I've given a bunch of them away for discipleship. Hope you benefit from it greatly.
Grace and peace.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, BOOKS! (I love books...) :)
Looks like you got a great list going on here. You'll have to write book reviews on them all for us.
I recently posted about my summer reading list on my other blog, but maybe I'll do one for Cross-eyed too. I just went to Lifeway yesterday so I have more to add to my book family. :)

I'm going to go check out the website Penn commented about... that's a great deal.

Have a blessed day!

Caleb Nathaniel said...

Wow, that's a lot more books then I ever planned to read. I thought it was a lot when I started reading four books at the same time. I've never even heard of some of these books. "Mere Christianity" is on my reading list also.

If you're involved in your worship team at church, a book I would highly recommend is "Worship Matters" by Bob Kauflin. I haven't finished it yet, but it has been really good so far.

Another good book is "The Power of Prayer in a Believer's Life" by C.H. Spurgeon.

~Caleb Nathanael

cj said...

Thanks everyone for the suggestions!

Penn, That sounds like a great deal, I'll check them out.

Kaysie, that would be great. I'd love to see your summer reading list.

Caleb, I'm kind of involved with the church worship team, but even if I wasn't I would still read it, thanks.

ReganBKing said...

Great list. This might be coming a bit late, but another good book is Eternity in their Hearts by Don Richardson. It explains how certain beliefs and practices help prepared different cultures to recieve the gospel.